Did you know that The Beaufort Bonnet Company offers trunk shows? Hostesses can earn $$ towards TBBC merchandise! Well, if you didn’t, now you do! Before we give you any details about our amazing trunk shows; let’s meet the lady in charge, Elizabeth Edwards- Director of Public Relations and Events. Q: Tell us a little about yourself! “I’m […]
The 5 Ws…
Who, What, When, Where, and Why. Who…Who should wear a Beaufort Bonnet? That’s easy, any small person who can fit their pretty little head inside one. What… What is all the fuss about? It’s the million dollar bonnet. The Beaufort Bonnet doesn’t cost a million dollars but it will spur a million compliments. Our little star will still […]
Behind The Lens: Summer 2014
“Only where children gather is there any real chance of fun.” -Mignon McLaughli Check out some behind the scene shots from our latest photo shoot. Let’s just say the cuteness factor was out the roof! We are so lucky to have so many close friends with beautiful children!
Gift Guide: St. Patty’s Day
The Beaufort Bonnet Company is going gaga for green!
Gift Guide: an upscale Easter basket