
We at T.B.B.C. wholeheartedly believe change will happen through our example.  As we’ve always said, we believe in embracing the genuineness of childhood.  When it comes to our models, instead of outsourcing through professional agencies, we have always used our customer’s children as the face of our brand.  Each season we have open model calls where we ask everyone that shops and follows us to apply to be featured in our next campaign.  We love seeing all the sweet faces and learning about the children and families that support us.

In choosing this organic route, we have also learned we are limited to the pool of people that apply, which over time has shown some diversity each season- but it hasn’t been enough.  We will continue to ask and encourage families to spread the word and invite their friends of all races and ethnicities to apply.  It is important to show diversity and we want to be a leader of that message.  All children are equal in our eyes and we hope you will help us give a voice to those who have not been heard.


Starting today, if there is not an uptick in diverse applicants, we will shift our strategy and begin using all professional models.  We will be sad to alter the one on one customer and friend experience with those who apply, but that won’t remain an excuse as to why we don’t showcase more diversity.

We are learning every day and from the bottom of our heart, we thank all of our sweet customers for supporting us.  Please be on the lookout for our next model call this month! model search